Saturday, November 22

Growing Trend Among Men

I hope am not late on this, I've been seeing this growing trend and been wanting to write about it. Yes, The Facial Hair Is Back in Style! About six or seven years ago most young guys wanted a slim jawline cut and, over the lips, something more detailed and more sharp, now they’re going for a more natural look. But guys, you need to be cautions. When it’s too natural, it’s a bit scruffy and out of hand. With hair, you can really fix it up, but a beard is more stubborn. I see guys curling and texturizing it just to make it look good.

I for one hated this trend but when I saw some photos on instagram, I had a little change of heart. They even have a harshtag on Instagram #beardgang-lol. I think some of these guy actually have Facial hair to make them look or feel good just like women putting on makeup. Some might have it to give them a cover if they are more introverted-just saying.

Do you think this trend will soon go out of fashion?


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