Tuesday, January 21

Halima Abubakar's Ripped Jeans

Hardly a new trend, the ripped jeans look is gaining more and more spotlight due to this thing in fashion we like to call effortlessness. Could we blame those off duty models for this one? I mean they do own this can’t-be-bothered-style and loose sophistication-wearing some old ripped T-shirt paired with a sequined skirt and unlaced boots in between shows. Or those ripped boyfriend jeans that make her look like a rockstar doll. Yep. I think these girls are to blame for our constant chase to look posh yet unprepared.

Who the hell would not want to emulate an off duty model’s look? Well, lots of people actually, but then again, lots would do, hence loads of trends that were born from the streets courtesy of models & fashionsistas. Check out Halima Abubakar's ripped Jeans. What do you think?

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