Saturday, January 25

Denim Head to Toe Trend

Back in the day draping yourself in denim was a fashion faux-pas, but as fashion is by definition a multitude of uncertainties-in a good way and constant changes, today, Denim On Denim has turned into a massive trend. For the past two years I think this Duo Denim Trend is trying to make a way and settle in as that uber cool look any respectable fashionista can don without looking like a fashion victim. And since practice makes perfect, its hard work paid off.

Not a new invention in the least, still feels good though to know it’s perfectly fine to keep on rocking the denim top with any type of bottoms, given they are denim too. What’s the catch? No catch. Though it used to be ”don’t do same color denim on denim” but eff that, you know-lol. Don’t let anyone tell you to not wear something when it looks amazing and you’re just having fun with it. So how to wear denim on denim? However you like it, but just for the sake of the fashion game let’s play along :) Thank you!


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