Sunday, November 17

Pointless Oufits

Unless you're Lady Gaga, pants are incredibly useful. Same with t-shirts, jackets and the rest -- each clothing item in our closets serves an important function. But every now and then, you stumble upon a piece of clothing that just baffles the mind. You find yourself stopping and thinking, "Why was this even made?" You immediately want to turn to the closest person and ask, "Why would anyone ever wear this?" especially in this hot weather in Nigeria... Behold, the pointless outfit ever!

I still do not understand what purpose this cummerband serves. I would just like it to go away, because, frankly, it kills a good tuxedo or better still, turn this into a purse. The Merriam-Webster defines it as a "a broad waistband usually worn in place of a vest."  so why keep it?

Do you really need to make sure that every single toe is bundled? First of all, how long does it take to put on those foot gloves? Second of all, regular socks will do just fine

There's probably no reason why you should wear this except you live in the cold region. You already know how scorching the sun is here, so this is basically pointless!

As much as this is trendy, it is pointless to have this. I saw someone at the mall last Sunday wearing this!!I promise, this is an error!

Share some you think are pointless too...thanks


Anonymous said...

oh! its called cummerbund. I just don't like it on my husband. will sure try using it as a purse. thanks

Anonymous said...

U infact r pointless.sooo annoying.